::||//\\GRACE & PEACE//\\//||::
"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.106 September, 2013
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In this issue:-

The Word of God and a Christian

        How often we overlook the power of God’s word. Seldom have we considered seriously of the effectiveness and the usefulness of the scripture. Though we are well aware that the Bible is the inspired word of God, not of man, and it’s God’s message to us to make use of it, do we really take enough effort to experience what God’s word can do for us? Cf. 2Timothy 3:16, 17; 2Petere 1:23

Remember, it’s not just a collection of communication from God, but it’s more than that. Bible reveals so much about its value and efficacy. It is like seed that can produce life, water to cleanse from every impurity, food to nourish and strengthen, sword to cut and bring out the hidden things, hammer to break the hardest heart and mirror to reveal the real state of man. Yet, do we actually make use of the word of God as we ought to be. Some how, we just ignore it or fail to take it seriously.

Notice, how efficiently God’s word worked in the past. It was His word that brought the whole creation in to existence. His word has life, power and authority. When He spoke the sick got healed and the dead came back to life. The nature and the angelic being recognized His word and yielded to it. It is the same incorruptible word of God that imparted new life - the life of God - to us. 1Peter 1: 23. And God’s plan today is, we may be cleansed, edified and encouraged by the same word. Cf. Ephesians 5: 26; 1Thessalonians 4: 18.

Be filled with
Allow the Spirit of God to use the word of God liberally to transform, wash, and equip us. To make it possible we ought to be filled with the word of God by regular reading and meditation. Do not avoid any opportunity to hear it read, preached or taught. Let it be before our eyes, in our hearts and minds. Do not allow the worldly music or writings to rob our precious time and energy. Study the Bible systematically and be familiar with its truths. Let our ears be open to hear the voice of God constantly. Deuteronomy 6: 6 – 9.
        Thus, as God’s word abides in us richly and we are being possessed by the life – giving truth of the word of God, it will act as intended by God. Colossians 1:6; 3:16. Isaiah 55:11. We begin to think, speak and even act in accordance with the Bible and then no one can stop us from living it!
        On the contrary, filling our minds with worldly things will definitely influence us harmfully and its effect will be regrettable. No wonder the Lord specifically commanded Joshua to meditate His law day and night before he can be successful. Joshua 1: 6—8. Believer’s experience down through the centuries reveals that, there is no other way for a Christian to grow, succeed, and bear fruit and even to be happy.

Out line:-

What the Word of God Can Do?

  • It can pierce the heart and produce conviction of sin. Heb 4:12
  • It can regenerate and transform the life and character. 1Peter 1:23.
  • It can produce faith. Romans 10:17
  • It can cleanse and purify the heart and life. Psalm 119: 9 – 11
  • It can protect us from heresy and error. Acts 20: 29 – 32
  • It can bring joy and rejoicing to the heart. Jeremiah 15:16
  • It can bring peace to the troubled soul. Psalm 85:8
  • It can make us wiser than our teachers. Psalm 119: 99
  • It can lighten up our darkness. Psalm 119: 105, 130
  • It can energize us for service. Jeremiah 20:9

Anecdote: -

Careless Aunt of Tolstoy

        Russian Novelist Leo Tolstoy told of an aunt who hurt him deeply when she didn’t take time to answer some questions that were troubling him. She stirred his emotions by telling him of Jesus’ crucifixion, but when he cried out, “Auntie, why did they torture Him?” she said simply, “They were wicked.” “But wasn’t He God?”, Tolstoy asked.
        Instead of explaining that Jesus was indeed God and that He had become a man so He could die for our sins, she said, “Be still – it is 9 o’ clock!” When he persisted, she retorted, “Be quite, I say, I’m going to the dining room to have tea.” This left young Tolstoy greatly agitated.
        Commenting on this scene Calvin Miller said, “Tolstoy fond it incomprehensible that Christ had been brutalized and his aunt was not interested enough to stay a little past tea time and talk about it.”

Study note: -

Fifteen Facts on the Lord’s Work

        What’s actually Christian ministry? Many misunderstand the true nature of spiritual activities. Some even misuse it for their purposes. Here is an effort to present few realities about the Lord’s Work according to the word of God. Brief points for easy reading. ………More

News & Views:1 -

Archbishop Gives Confidence to homosexuals!

        Gay activists in Mumbai are happy that the catholic archbishop responded to their plea sympathetically and even promised to advise his priest to preach carefully…… ………More

News & Views:2 -

Student’s Internet addiction

        Once again researchers have come with a not-so-favourable report on net users. According to their study net addicts are not healthy physically, mentally and ……………More

Worthy Quotes:-

Scripture for a believer

“Show me a weak, wobbling believer I will show you a chrsitian
not meditating upon the word of God,
show me the strong, earnest, active believer,
I will show you who lives the book.”

_____________________  Ironside.

“Those who draw water from the wellspring of meditation
know that God dwells close to their hearts.”

  _________ Toyohiko Kagawa

“All the troubles of life come upon us because
we refuse to sit quietly for a while each day in our rooms.”

  _________ Blaise Pascal  

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 'Grace  & Peace' is an electronic periodical, sent out monthly, aiming the overall spiritual growth of Christian Believers.
You can reproduce this e-periodical fully or in part in any medium, provided it is unedited, and retain
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Edited and posted by NTK for the Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.

Visit:- www.gracepeace.net “For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12.