::||//\\GRACE & PEACE//\\//||::
"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.117 September, 2014
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“I am the LORD”

               God’s people must be marked by holiness. In the book of Leviticus we see How the Lord repeatedly reminds Israel to be away from the ways and habits of the gentiles who dwelt in Canaan earlier. God removed them because of their sins. Israel is not supposed to follow those practices. Cf. Lev 18: 3, 24, 26, 27, 30. He gives many reasons for such a strict, separated life.

  • The wicked life style of gentiles defiles individual, nation as well as the land. Cf. Lev 18: 23 – 25, 30 etc.
  • Punishment that will follow. V. 25, 29 – God will have to deal with such evil according to His law.
  • By keeping His commandments alone they can continue to enjoy the good of the land. V. 5
  • He is the LORD. Lev 18:30 etc
  •     This is the most important reason that God repeats even throughout this book. “I AM THE LORD”. In the book of Leviticus we see this expression over 50 times and in ch.18 & 19 we see 29 times. This is something noteworthy.
            God’s people must be holy in all their conduct. We can not adopt the practices and life-style of others who live around us. When we live such a life, naturally we will be different. What should prompt us to lead such a separated life? Not just because of the inevitable punishment, not even because we are better than others, but only because who our LORD is. He is Holy so we have to be holy. He is different so we should be.
            It’s our commitment and devotion to the LORD that forces us to behave differently. In fact before commanding us to be holy He has redeemed us, took us out of bondage and placed us where we ought to be. Cf. Psa 4:3. He has separated the godly for Himself. Cf. Tit 2:14; 1Pet 2:9
            If we are inclined to the tradition of men and trend of the day we ought to remind ourselves who our Lord is. If we are truly committed to the Lord it will be evident. The question is not who I am, what values I hold, but Who God is. He is our Lord and our Master. He demands a holy, undefiled life that includes separation, a distinct life. If we love and respect Him, it’s not so hard.

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
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Edited and posted by NTK for the Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.

Visit:- www.gracepeace.net “but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, ” 1Pe 1:15 ESV