How quickly have we reached the end of another year? Once again we have an appropriate opportunity to evaluate our past performance and look ahead with more focussed goal, trusting in the grace of our Lord.
Are we really conscious of this passing moments and opportunities? It seems many do not even think about it. Only as we become older we come to realize that time is running too fast! It’s something that we can not stop or store up; we can only use time or else waste it! That’s why the word of God emphatically exhorts us to ‘redeem the time’. Eph 5:16.
According to Paul, making the best use of opportunity is an evidence of wisdom and it’s an investment too. Only after a period of time we realize the value of an investment. So with the use of time, only at a later stage we will come to know we have wisely used this resource or not.
Know the time
Right understanding of time is imperative to seriously think on this issue. That’s why Paul further points out, “the days are evil”. Eph 5: 16c. We need to be aware of the real state of the period where we are in. The Lord Jesus knew it well and accomplished His works accordingly. Jn. 2:4; 9:4. He even rebuked those who failed to discern the time. Luke 12:56.
Writing to the Romans apostle Paul wrote, “Do this knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.” Rom 13:11.
We must not forget, as the days go by, we are nearer either to the coming of Christ or our death. 2Tim 4:6. In either way our opportunity to serve God and His people and invest for eternity will come to an end shortly. No wonder the Psalmist praying for wisdom to number his days. Psa 90: 12
Know the changes
Not only that even if these two are delayed, there is no guarantee for the favourable circumstances we have now. There could be political, social, and economical changes that may hinder us from fulfilling our duties as a Christian.
Look at the political condition of some of the so- called secular countries. The very people, who advocate freedom, indirectly curtail the liberty to profess and propagate our faith. Justice and constitutional rights are not applicable for all. So many believers around world are facing untold sufferings. Enemies of the gospel of Christ make every effort to obliterate the work of the Lord. Yes, “the night is coming when no one can work.” John 9: 4. So let us make use of the time and fulfil our duties as born again children of God.
Know His grace
It’s God’s immense grace and kindness that we are able to see another year end, and a New Year.Cf. Luk 13: 6 – 9. How many have perished, how many others suffer? Can we think even for a moment that we survive due to our goodness? Let us humbly and prayerfully yield ourselves to God’s will and service, that our remaining days would be used more purposefully and effectively.
May the Lord Almighty abundantly bless you beloved reader and may you experience all the good things in this New Year 2015.