One of the titles of the Messiah found in the book of Isaiah is ‘wonderful’. Isa 9:6. As we go through the gospels narratives, it’s amply clear that indeed He was the most wonderful man ever lived on the face of the earth.
People marveled at the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. His words and deeds were also so amazing. Matt 13: 54; 22:22; Luke 4:22, 36 etc. As He was being tried by the Roman court, Pilate astonished at the silence of Jesus Christ. Matt 27:13, 14. Even His death and resurrection was awe-inspiring; something beyond human comprehension. Yes, He is altogether lovely and extra-ordinary. There is no aspect of Christ that is not marvelous to mortal man.
Similar reaction of people can be noticed in connection with the early church too. As the risen Lord Jesus began to work in and through His people it was beyond human reason and understanding. Cf. Act 3: 10 – 12; 4: 13. They saw something different in them. The wonder and amazement of the public, seeing the unusual life and experience of the followers of Christ made the people of God also to marvel! That’s why Peter is asking, “why do you wonder at this, or why do you stare at us...” Act 3:12
A distinct life
Yes, the common people of that time found Christ and His followers as distinct, of a different kind. Not only their life, words and daily activities even in the way they reacted to opposition, people found much difference. No wonder the public of Antioch began to call them Christians, as they evidently followed the Lord Jesus Christ. Act 11:26
This visible distinctiveness in them forced many to respect them; some others to persecute them. Cf. Act 5: 13, 17. It was inevitable, for the Lord Himself had warned them. Cf. John 15:18 – 21.
Even today this is exactly what happens to us when we follow the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s very much natural, public will find our way of life, our words and activities as strange. They will stare at us, even with suspicion. Do not be disturbed at this odd response from others for it is the natural outcome of our distinct lifestyle as true followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hostile world
There are some who try to avoid such unusual response from others. So they try to conform to the society and get rid of what makes them different. They think by doing so, they will not be seen as different people and avoid the possible hostilities.
Oh, how we need to remember, if we truly follow the Lord Jesus Christ who is not of this world, we too will have the same experience from the world. In His exhortations and prayer the Lord Jesus referred to it very clearly. Cf. Matt 10:22; 24: 9; John 15: 18 – 21; 17:14.
We cannot follow two ways of life. It’s foolishness to think that we can wear two masks and serve two masters. Any effort to conform to this world and purposely forsake the true Christian way of life shows the hypocrisy within us. Matt 6:24
Evident Transformation
On the contrary, let the world see the difference in our life and wonder at us. If we have experienced true transformation through Christ, this change will be visible to all. The lame man who got healed could not control his joy and excitement. Forty long years he never walked, could not enter the house of God, what a joy to realize today that he is different. He began to walk, leap, and praise God. Act 3: 7, 8.
The response of the people was natural, for there is a definite change in this man. It was very much obvious. Vs.9, 10
Just examine our state today. What change or difference people around us see in us? There was a time this writer could recall; there were many areas in life where God’s people were different. Others will naturally wonder at us and even ask ‘why don’t you do that’, or ‘why do you follow this way’.
Does it mean we need to do something different to be different? No, far from that, we only need to be a true follower of Christ, obeying the scripture more than the tradition of man.
Sign & wonder
It’s God’s will that we shine as light in this dark world. Along with our verbal testimony to God’s manifold goodness, let our life itself be a message. That’s what Isaiah and some other servants of God did in Old Testament. Cf. Isa 8:18; Ezek 24:24
“Here am I and the children whom the LORD has given me! We are for signs and wonders in Israel From the LORD of hosts, Who dwells in Mount Zion.” Isa 8:18
True to his commitment, Isaiah and family lived as a sign and wonder among the Israelites. Their name and lifestyle communicated a message from God. Cf. Isa 7:3; 8:3, 4; 20:3. That was not so easy. Criticism, mockery, and even physical abuse were part of its cost. According to tradition, during the reign of Manasseh, Isaiah was fastened between two planks and sawed in half by a wooden saw.
Beloved brethren, do not be worried at the unusual reaction from others. We are not of this world. The world does not understand our Father or His people. 1John 3:1. Natural man do not comprehend the things of God, he cannot judge the spiritual man. 1Cor 2: 14, 15.
We have been called upon to bear the reproach of Christ outside the camp. Heb 13: 13 Let us rejoice to be a ‘sign and a wonder’ in this confused world. And thus being a true and living testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hold the Light
A man at sea who was very sea-sick had heard that another man had fallen overboard. He was wondering if he could do anything to help to save him. He laid hold of a light, and held it up on the port-hole.
The drowning man was saved. When this man got over his attack of sickness he was up on deck one day, and was talking to the man who was rescued. The saved man gave this testimony.
He said he had gone down the second time, and was just going down again for the last time, when he put out his hand. Just then, he said, someone held a light at the port-hole, and the light fell on his hand. A man caught him by the hand and pulled him into the lifeboat.
It seemed a small thing to do to hold up the light; yet it saved the man's life. If you cannot do some great thing you can hold the light for some poor, perishing drunkard, who may be won to Christ and delivered from destruction. Let us take the torch of salvation and go into these dark homes, and hold up Christ to the people as the Savior of the world.