Once again the world remembered the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. However the sad reality is, apart from this ritualistic celebration, nobody bothers to consider the significance of His death or resurrection.
For a born-again child of God, the raising of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead is the foundation and basis for his faith life. His death procures our salvation and His life assures as well as secures it. Heb 7:25. Apostle Paul poignantly clarifies it in 1Cori 15: 13 – 22.
Transforming truth
What an encouragement and comfort it is to know for sure that we are not following a dead guru, but a Living Saviour. The open tomb of our Lord Jesus Christ confirms all what He spoke about Himself and the work He promised to do. Rom 1:4; 4:25
His repeated appearances after resurrection removed all the fears of the apostles. Once they were sure of it based on the ‘infallible evidences’ and personal encounters with the Lord, they began to testify it vigorously. Matt 26: 56; John 20: 9; Act 4:18--20, 33etc. Their dramatic change was very much evident. No more fear or hesitation to preach Christ even at fierce opposition. They realized that the way of salvation that God prepared for a sinner is based on both, the death as well as the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1Cori 15: 3 –8; 2 Tim 2:8; Rom 10:9
Empowering Presence
It was this conviction that inspired the followers of Christ to suffer and even die for the cause of Christ. Paul writes ‘I die daily’. 1Cori 15:31, 32. They experienced the intimate presence of this ever Living Saviour. In their service and sufferings the Lord continues to be with them empowering and guiding. Mark 16:20; Act 27:23. In fact, He promised them earlier, “Because I live, you also will live”. John 14:19
Death cannot have any hold on the blessed Lord Jesus Christ. He only tasted death for our sake; He continues to live to intercede for us and save us to the uttermost. Hebrews 2:9; 7:25. Not only that, all who trust and follow the Lord are also partakers of this everlasting life. “For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.” 1Cori 15:22 cf. John 6: 57; 11: 25, 26.
John the beloved apostle was persecuted severely by the Roman emperor and later exiled to the island of Patmos. Torment, bondage or seclusion cannot destroy the faith and confidence of a godly man. There he experienced the presence of His Lord in a very fresh and intimate manner. On the Lord’s Day the Lord Jesus appeared to John in His present glory. The ‘manifestation of that glorious presence’ brought him down. It was then the Lord Jesus utters these soothing words, “fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades”. Revelation 1: 1 – 18.
Hope at hostility
Yes, we too need no fear. For the last 2000 plus years these words of Christ and the presence of this living Master have been inspiring and challenging His followers everywhere to suffer and die patiently. Even after so many years Christians face the same hostility. Just as the Lord predicted, they are hated, abused, attacked, beaten and killed mercilessly and violently.
The perpetrators of such horrible terror do not understand the truth behind the faith and confidence of Christ’s followers. Being blinded by the evil forces and the demonic doctrine they unleash untold aggression against all who follow the Truth, the Lord Jesus Christ. Even then Christians everywhere pray for them and plead to forgive and save them, following the example of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In such trying times, once again it is necessary to fill our hearts and mind with truth of the power of resurrection. In spite of all the dark shadows that we see everywhere let us look ahead and see the Lord Jesus ever living and interceding for us. We trust and serve a living Saviour, who is going to come very soon. Let us experience the newness of life that our Lord brings about in all who stay close to Him.
Live and testify
Let the world know for sure that our Lord Jesus Christ is alive, not just as a religious faith, but really and practically. In other words, our life-style should reflect this confidence and the hope of His imminent return.
Let us refuse to be troubled or discouraged seeing the adverse circumstances. Boldly and loudly witness to this hostile world that our Lord is alive, He is the only SAVIOUR, THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.
Praise be to His great name for opening our eyes, removing our ignorance and bringing us to the true fold. When the common people of this world are ignorant and confused over the fast-deteriorating condition of the world, we are very much clear about what’s next. Truly, we are the most blessed people living on the face of the earth. Satanic forces hate us, but loved, cared and protected by the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. ‘Halleluiah, what a SAVIOUR!’
Christ, the Living Saviour
A missionary in Turkey wished to teach to a group of people the truth of the resurrection of Christ. He said: "I am traveling, and have reached a place where the road branches off in two ways; I look for a guide, and find two men: one dead, and the other alive. Which of the two must I ask for direction, the dead or the living?"
"Oh, the living," cried the people. "Then," said the missionary, "why send me to Mohammed, who is dead, instead of to Christ, who is alive!"
—Christian Endeavor World.